Christ Church Yardley wood is a generous community. Please give as much as you are able to help us with our mission in Yardley Wood and beyond. You can easily donate online or contribute during each of our services. “The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller” (Proverbs 11:24). Thank you for your faithful support.

The Responsibility Is Ours
What shall we do?
Your THANKFULNESS to God for his generosity to us can be shown in committing to support our church financially.
Being a REGULAR giver does not mean you have to be in church every Sunday. You can arrange to give a REGULAR amount by standing order.
Our challenge is to INCREASE the amount of existing givers to help us sustain and grow our church for this and future generations.
OUR church is an important part of OUR local community but many of us take it for granted. We believe that it will always be there.
Thank you for your prayerful response
How can I Give?

Regular Planned Giving
Could you help us sustain our church by becoming a planned giver through the envelope scheme or by reviewing your current giving and using gift aid if you pay tax?
Speak to our Giving Officer

Standing Order
Will you complete a standing order form to sustain and grow our church?
Speak to our Treasurer for more details.

To be able to pass our church on to the next generation, could you support by adding a legacy to Christ Church in your will?

Give a Little