Our November Pewslip
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Contact information:
Vicar: Revd Lydia Gaston: 07779006178
Church Office: 07534 305384
Church Administrator: Odilla Kesterton - office hours are 9.15 – 1.15 on Mondays.
Church Email: christchurchyw@outlook.com
Curate: Rev. Julie Heathcote: 07817562104
(Julie’s working days: Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
Email: revjeheathcote@gmail.com
Website: www.christchurchyw.com
Facebook & Instagram: Christ Church Yardley Wood
Week commencing Sunday 17th November
We welcome the family and friends of Tyler joining us for his baptism this morning.
Wednesday 20th November 10am Holy Eucharist
Thursday 21st November 12.30 Over 50s – Pub Trip to the Drawbridge.
Week commencing Sunday 24th November
10am Holy Eucharist
Tuesday 26th November PCC meeting 7.30pm in the Vicarage.
Wednesday 27th November 10am Holy Eucharist
General Notices
NOW ON SALE Christmas Raffle tickets go on sale. £1 a ticket. Please buy and also, I encourage you to sell to family and friends to help support our church.
Leaves clearing in the churchyard. Rev Lydia would love you to join her on Saturday 23rd at 10 – 12 or Sunday 24th 3-4pm, to help clear the leaves from surrounding the church.
Saturday 30th November, Church Clean, 10-12. Please sign up if you are able to come and help.
Our Christmas Meal will be on Sunday 1st December at the Home Guard club 12.30 drinks, food at 1pm, please sign up and select what you would like to eat today.
Our Christmas Fair will take on Saturday 7th December, we would like your donations of bottles for the Bottle stall, Tombola and Raffle also, any toys, books or items for our Granny’s Attic. Please bring these in as soon as possible.
Our Blue Christmas Service takes place Sunday 15th December at 5pm.
The Food Pantry: We commit weekly to support their good works and I encourage everyone to bring something to donate each week. Please could you think about bringing an item of non-perishable food or some toiletries on a regular basis to help people in our community.
Centre Management Meeting clashes with Family Service and therefore won’t take place next week but will be rearranged.
The Funeral of Sandra Jeffs will take place on Friday 6th December. There will be a service at Yardley Wood Baptist Church, 10.30am followed by burial at Christ Church.
Pastoral Cluster: Compassion
Odilla & Erin
Rachel, Duncan, Phoebe & Jules
Richard & Claire
Sharna, Brad, Niamh & Aoife
Wedding Anniversaries celebrated in November
Kevin & Rebecca Davenport
Matthew & Claire Evans
Adam & Joanne Finlay
and all celebrating their wedding anniversaries in November.
Birthday's being celebrated in November
and to all who are celebrating their birthdays in November.
Family Service
Join us for our next Family Service
SUNDAY 24th November 11.30am
Christ the King - GODLY PLAY
All Families Welcome
Refreshments will be served in Christ Church Centre after the service
Christmas Fair
Looking forward to seeing everyone at our Christmas Fair.
Doors open at 10am
Lots of wonderful stalls here again this year and get to see Father Christmas in his grotto.
Blue Service
Sunday 15th December at 5pm
Come join us as we gather: during the season of Advent when the beauty of Christmas is around us, we are also reminded of those close to us who have passed and no longer with us during this time of celebration.
Our annual Blue Christmas service is a time to remember and name those lost as we look forward with hope and peace.
Tea, coffee and cake were served
after the service.
Carol Service
Sunday 22nd December at 6pm
Come join us this Advent time
In this very special service we will hear the traditional Bible readings, which tell us of the Christmas story, and along the way
hope you will join us in singing some popular Christmas Carols.
Through the service we hope you will be encouraged to think again about the importance of the events of the very first Christmas.
Service followed by Mince pies and wine
in our Church Centre
Tuesday 24th December at 4pm
Come join our Christingle Service as we come together as a community to share the Christian story and to experience the joy and wonder of this well-loved Christmas tradition.
Our Christingles will be available for all - made from an orange decorated with red tape, sweets and a candle.
With your help, Christingle raises vital funds to help children who are facing Christmas alone and are unable to cope.
Midnight Mass of the Nativity
Tuesday 24th December at 11pm
A special late-night service sharing in the anticipation of the joy of Christmas and celebrating its message of good news.
All are welcome