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Our October Pewslip

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Contact information:

Vicar: Revd Lydia Gaston: 07779006178

Church Office: 07534 305384

Church Administrator: Odilla Kesterton

Her office hours are 9.15 – 1.15 on Mondays.

Church Email:


Curate: Rev. Julie Heathcote: 07817562104

(Julie’s working days: Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays)




Facebook & Instagram:  Christ Church Yardley Wood

Week commencing Sunday 6th October

10am Holy Eucharist with Baptism

We welcome the family and friends of Everleigh Rose joining us for this special occasion.

lMonday 7th October at 10am, Mourning Cuppa, Join us for free cuppa and cake.

lWednesday 9th October 10am Holy Eucharist


Week commencing Sunday 13th October

After the 10am service we will be having a cake stall

Wednesday 16th October 10am Holy Eucharist

Thursday 17th October 2pm Over 50s in the Centre. All welcome. £2 fee.

General Notices

  • Sunday 20th October at 5pm, we will be holding a Service of Healing with anointing.

  • ​Sunday 20th October at 5pm, we will be holding a Service of Healing with anointing.

  • Children’s Light Party (an alternative to Halloween) Thursday 31st October 4-6pm. Full of fun with crafts, games and refreshments.

  • All Souls will be on Sunday 3rd November, 5pm, where we read the names out of those loved ones in our Memorial Book. If you would like to add a loved ones name to the Memorial book, it is just £5 and forms can be completed via the churchwardens.

  • Our Memorial Service for bereaved families on 10th November at 5pm. It would be nice to offer refreshments after the services so can I please have some volunteers to serve teas and coffees do let Rev Lydia know. It would also be helpful to have a couple of people stay after our morning service to set up the hall with tables and cloths etc.

  • Our Christmas Fair will take on Saturday 7th December, we would like your donations of bottles for the Bottle stall, Tombola and Raffle also, any toys or items for our Granny’s Attic.

  • Our Christmas Meal will be on Sunday 1st December at the Home Guard club.

  • The Food Pantry: We commit weekly to support their good works and I encourage everyone to bring something to donate each week. Please could you think about bringing an item of non-perishable food or some toiletries on a regular basis to help people in our community.

Pastoral Cluster: Explorers 

Revd. Lydia, Mark, Jacob & Jesse


Liz & Martyn


Patrick & Heather

Rita & Jan

Wedding Anniversaries celebrated in October

James & Sarah
Daniel & Emma
Benjamin & Emma
Keith & Deborah
and all celebrating their wedding anniversaries in October.

Birthday's being celebrated in October
Rev Lydia
and to all who are celebrating their birthday’s in October.

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Celebration of all Souls Service 
Sunday 3rd November at 5pm

Come join us as we gather:  to commemorate family, friends and loved ones named in our Memorial Book.


This service is both poignant and hopeful, as we rejoice in the resurrection and the promise of new life in God.

The church lights are dimmed, as we read the names aloud and light candles in their memories. Dozens of living flames flicker on the altar, symbolising our loved ones who are now held safe in the arms of God.

Our All Souls Service will be on Sunday 3rd November, 5pm

If you would like someone to be remembered by name during this service, who is not in our memorial book you can add a loved ones name by contacting one of our churchwardens or by emailing us. Cost per entry is £5 and must be confirmed no later than 20th October.

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Memorial Service 
Sunday 10th November at 5pm

Come join us as we gather: those bereaved and families from across the local community for a service of thanksgiving and commemoration for departed loved ones.

During the service candles were lit and the names of the departed were read aloud. .  This will be an uplifting way to remember your loved ones.

Christ church holds this service annually in November. As well as a general invitation to the whole community, personal invitations were sent to the next of kin of all those for whom Christ Church clergy had conducted a funeral in the preceding year.

Tea, coffee and cake were served in the church immediately after the service.

This year the service will be on Sunday 10th November at 5pm and will last about 50 minutes. 

This will be an opportunity for you, your family and friends to make an act of remembrance.

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Family Service

Join us for our next Family Service 

SUNDAY 24th November - 11.30am 

Bible Sunday

All Families Welcome

Refreshments will be served in Christ Church Centre after the service

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