If you have any Safeguarding concerns or need to talk to someone
please contact:
Incumbent: Revd Lydia M Gaston on 01214367726
Curate: Revd Julie Heathcote on 07817562104
or Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator Samantha Walters, on 07794758651
The Diocese’s Safeguarding Adviser Steph Haynes can be contacted on 07342 993 844
Help is also available from
Childline on: 0800 1111.
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
Samaritans: 116 123

Safeguarding Policies
The Parish of Christ Church Yardley Wood
The following policy was agreed at the Parochial Church Council (PCC) meeting held on:
In accordance with the Church of England Safeguarding Policy our church is committed to:
• Promoting a safer environment and culture.
• Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children, young people and vulnerable adults within the church.
• Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation.
• Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons.
• Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons.
• Responding to those that may pose a present risk to others.
The Parish will:
• Create a safe and caring place for all.
• Have a named Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator (PSC) to work with the incumbent and the PCC to implement policy and procedures.
• Safely recruit, train and support all those with any responsibility for children, young people and adults to have the confidence and skills to recognise and respond to abuse.
• Ensure that there is appropriate insurance cover for all activities involving children and adults undertaken in the name of the parish.
• Display in church premises and on the Parish website the details of who to contact if there are safeguarding concerns or support needs.
• Listen to and take seriously all those who disclose abuse.
• Take steps to protect children and adults when a safeguarding concern of any kind arises, following House of Bishops guidance, including notifying the Bishop’s Safeguarding Adviser (BSA) and statutory agencies immediately.
• Offer support to victims/survivors of abuse regardless of the type of abuse, when or where it occurred.
• Care for and monitor any member of the church community who may pose a risk to children and adults whilst maintaining appropriate confidentiality and the safety of all parties.
• Ensure that health and safety policy, procedures and risk assessments are in place and that these are reviewed annually.
• Review the implementation of the Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Practices at least annually.
Each person who works within this church community will agree to abide by this policy and the guidelines established by this church.
This church appoints Samantha Walters as the Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator
The Parish of Christ Church Yardley Wood
The Parochial Church Council of Christ Church, Yardley Wood
agreed to adopt all of the House of Bishop’s safeguarding policy and practice guidance and The Church of England – Birmingham’s procedures for their implementation on 17TH OCTOBER 2023
All forms of abuse are wrong and must STOP
The care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in Church activities is the responsibility of the whole Church. Everyone who participates in the life of the Church has a role to play in promoting a safer Church for all.
Our commitments:
1. Promoting a safer environment and culture
2. Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children and vulnerable adults within the Church
3. Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation
4. Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons
5. Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons
6. Responding to those that may pose a present risk to others
We will implement the above policy commitments and good safeguarding practice by ensuring:
• the creation of a safe and caring place for all;
• the welfare of the child, young person and vulnerable adult is paramount;
• a leadership commitment, at all levels, to the importance of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults;
• we listen to and take seriously all those who disclose abuse and offer appropriate support to all those with lived experience of abuse;
• clear reporting procedures are displayed on church premises to deal with safeguarding concerns and allegations;
we notify all safeguarding concerns, including concerns and allegations against church officers, to the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer;
• referrals to, and effective working with, statutory and voluntary sector partners in accordance with legislation and House of Bishop’s requirements ;
• we have publicly advertised arrangements for children, young people and vulnerable adults to be able to speak to an independent person, as required;
• good record keeping and effective information sharing;
• we seek advice from the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer about appropriate assessment, care and monitoring of any member of the church community who may pose a risk to children and adults whilst maintaining appropriate confidentiality and the safety of all parties;
• a clear line of accountability within our church for work on safeguarding;
• our practice and activities are informed by on-going learning, review and by the views of children, young people, families and vulnerable adults;
• our complaints and whistleblowing procedures are well publicised;
• there is appropriate insurance cover for all activities involving children and adults undertaken in the name of our PCC
• safer recruitment procedures are in place, including clear roles for church officers and Disclosure & Barring Service checks where a role is eligible;
• we have clear arrangements for support and/or supervision of church officers;
• all volunteers complete Church of England safeguarding training at the level appropriate for their role;
If you have any concerns or need to talk to someone please contact
Sam Walters - 07794758651
Rev Lydia M Gaston – 07779006178
Rev Julie Heathcote – 07817562104
If you cannot contact the person above and someone is being harmed or is not safe and needs immediate help, dial 999, or contact social care services.
Other useful contacts:
Diocesan Safeguarding Officer 07342 993 844
NSPCC help@NSPCC.org.uk
Childline 0800 1111
Family Lives Helpline 0808 800 2222
Samaritans 116 123
Hourglass - Elder Abuse 0808 808 8141
Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247
Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 801 0327
LGBT+ Domestic Violence Helpline 0300 999 5428
National Association of People Abused in Childhood 0808 801 0331
Stop It Now! Helpline 0808 1000 900
Safe Spaces (when abuse was by a Church of England minister, volunteer or worker) 0300 0303 1056
Local Authority Children’s Social Care Services:
0121 303 1888 (Birmingham)
0121 569 3100 (Sandwell)
0121 788 4300 (Solihull)
0800 1313 126 (Staffordshire)
01926 414144 (Warwickshire)
01905 822666 (Worcestershire)
Local Authority Adult Social Care Services:
0121 303 1234 (Birmingham)
0121 569 2266 (Sandwell)
0121 704 8007 (Solihull)
0345 604 2719 (Staffordshire)
01926 412080 (Warwickshire)
01905 768053 (Worcestershire)
The Parish of Christ Church Yardley Wood
Parish of Christ Church, Yardley Wood
agreed by the Parish Church Council on TUESDAY 17TH OCTOBER 2023
All forms of domestic abuse are wrong and must STOP
We are committed to promoting and supporting environments which:
• Ensure that all people feel welcomed, respected and safe from abuse;
• Protect those vulnerable to domestic abuse from actual or potential harm;
• Recognise equality amongst people and within relationships;
• Enable and encourage concerns to be raised and responded to appropriately and consistently.
We recognise that:
• all forms of domestic abuse cause damage to the survivor and express an imbalance of power in the relationship;
• all survivors (regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity) have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse;
• domestic abuse can occur in all communities;
• domestic abuse may be a single incident, but is usually a systematic, repeated pattern which escalates in severity and frequency;
• domestic abuse, if witnessed or overheard by a child, is a form of abuse by the perpetrator of the abusive behaviour;
• working in partnership with children, adults and other agencies is essential in promoting the welfare of any child or adult suffering abuse.
We will all endeavour to respond to domestic abuse by:
In all our activities – valuing, listening to and respecting both survivors and alleged or known perpetrators of domestic abuse.
In our publicity – raising awareness about other agencies, support services, resources and expertise, through providing information in public and women-only areas of relevance to survivors, children and alleged or known perpetrators of domestic abuse.
When concerns are raised – ensuring that those who have experienced abuse can find safety and informed help and working with the appropriate statutory bodies during an investigation into domestic abuse, including when allegations are made against a member of the church community.
In our care – ensuring that informed and appropriate pastoral care is offered to any child, young person or adult who has suffered abuse and identifying and outlining the appropriate relationship of those with pastoral care responsibilities with both survivors and alleged or known perpetrators of domestic abuse.
If you have any concerns or need to talk to anyone please contact:
Rev Lydia M Gaston – 07779006178
Rev. Julie Heathcote – 07817562104
Sam Walters – 07794758651
Other Useful Contacts:
Bishop’s Safeguarding Adviser 07342 993 844
National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247
Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid 0808 800 0028
West Mercia Women’s Aid 0800 980 3331
Staffordshire Women’s Aid 0870 2700 123
Black Country Women’s Aid 0121 552 6448
Men’s Advice Line 0808 801 0327
Galop (LGBT) 0800 999 5428
Action on Elder Abuse 0808 808 8141
The Parish of Christ Church Yardley Wood
Parish of Christ Church Yardley Wood
Agreed by the Parish Church Council on TUESDAY 17TH OCTOBER 2023
• as an organisation assessing applicants’ suitability for positions which are included in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order using criminal record checks processed through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), Christ Church Yardley Wood complies fully with the code of practice and undertakes to treat all applicants for positions fairly
• Christ Church Yardley Wood undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against any subject of a criminal record check on the basis of a conviction or other information revealed
• Christ Church Yardley Wood can only ask an individual to provide details of convictions and cautions that Christ Church Yardley Wood are legally entitled to know about. Where a DBS certificate at either standard or enhanced level can legally be requested (where the position is one that is included in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 as amended, and where appropriate Police Act Regulations as amended)
• Christ Church Yardley Wood can only ask an individual about convictions and cautions that are not protected
• Christ Church Yardley Wood is committed to the fair treatment of its staff, potential staff or users of its services, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, responsibilities for dependants, age, physical/mental disability or offending background
• Christ Church Yardley Wood has a written policy on the recruitment of ex-offenders, which is made available to all DBS applicants at the start of the recruitment process
• Christ Church Yardley Wood actively promotes equality of opportunity for all with the right mix of talent, skills and potential and welcome applications from a wide range of candidates, including those with criminal records
• Christ Church Yardley Wood select all candidates for interview based on their skills, qualifications and experience
• an application for a criminal record check is only submitted to DBS after a thorough risk assessment has indicated that one is both proportionate and relevant to the position concerned. For those positions where a criminal record check is identified as necessary, all application forms, job adverts and recruitment briefs will contain a statement that an application for a DBS certificate will be submitted in the event of the individual being offered the position
• Christ Church Yardley Wood ensures that all those in Christ Church Yardley Wood who are involved in the recruitment process have been suitably trained to identify and assess the relevance and circumstances of offences
• Christ Church Yardley Wood also ensures that they have received appropriate guidance and training in the relevant legislation relating to the employment of ex-offenders, e.g. the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
• at interview, or in a separate discussion, Christ Church Yardley Wood ensures that an open and measured discussion takes place on the subject of any offences or other matter that might be relevant to the position. Failure to reveal information that is directly relevant to the position sought could lead to withdrawal of an offer of employment
• Christ Church Yardley Wood makes every subject of a criminal record check submitted to DBS aware of the existence of the code of practice and makes a copy available on request
• Christ Church Yardley Wood undertakes to discuss any matter revealed on a DBS certificate with the individual seeking the position before withdrawing a conditional offer of employment.
Disclosure and Barring Service Sample Policy on the Recruitment of Ex-offenders available at
The Parish of Christ Church Yardley Wood
Parish of Christ Church Yardley Wood
Agreed by the Parish Church Council on TUESDAY 21ST NOVEMBER 2023
If you become aware of inappropriate/harmful posts:
 Take seriously, keep calm, accept without judgement
 Make contact offline to respond to disclosures
 Let them know who you must tell to help stop the abuse
o Show shock or disbelief
o Respond online
o Push the person into giving details of the abuse – your role is NOT to investigate
o Ask direct or leading questions – this could be harmful to the investigation
o Jump to conclusions or use words the person has not already used
 Save and download to hard copy any inappropriate
material – posts, images, messages etc
 Only discuss what they have told you with others on a ‘need to know’ basis – and not with others who are not involved (friend/colleague/partner)
 Never comment on or alert the alleged abuser – or anyone else who may tell them
 ALWAYS make a record of what the person has told you and pass it, with any saved posts, messages, images etc to your Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator
 Keep the record factual – who, why, what, where, when, how – sign and date it
 If you can, agree with the person that your record is accurate
NEVER promise to keep a secret
ALWAYS report any concerns about a child - or someone who works or volunteers for the church - however small they may seem, all disclosures and all allegations
TELL Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator or Vicar… or, when the concern is about them/you can’t get in touch with them/you don’t want to tell anyone at your church, tell the Bishop’s Safeguarding Adviser
If you need immediate advice and can’t wait to get in touch with any of the above call the duty social care team or NSPCC helpline or police
If a situation is not safe and someone is in danger or needs immediate help call the police
Contact Numbers:
Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator:
Vicar: Revd Lydia Gaston 07779006178
Bishop’s Safeguarding Adviser: 07324 993844
Social Services: Out of Hours Social Services: 31:8 (formerly CCPAS): 0303 003 11 11
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
Police: 101 or 999
ChildLine: 0808 11 11
Domestic Violence: 0808 2000 247
Social Media allows users to create rather than just consume online content – upload photographs, updates, comments etc. The Church of England’s community guidelines for using social media have been created to reflect our values and help Christians to live out their calling to share the good news of Jesus Christ:
Be safe
Be respectful
Be kind & honest
Take responsibility
Credit others
Disagree well
Be a good ambassador
Follow the rules
For many young people there is little distinction between their ‘on’ and ‘offline’ worlds and excessive restrictions ‘online’ can lead them to taking greater risks to get around these. The world of social media changes rapidly. Keep up to date at websites such as
https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ or https://www.childnet.com/
The PCC must approve the use of social media and mobile phones by the church and appoint a named person to monitor church accounts on their behalf.
Sexting is the sending or posting of sexually suggestive images, including nude or semi-nude photographs via mobiles or over the internet. The sharing of sexual imagery of people under 18 by adults constitutes child sexual abuse and must also be reported to the Police.
Using Images
Images – photos or films – are sensitive personal data - you need consent to use and store them.
Ensure images and posts are regularly updated and remove ‘old’ images
Think Who? Why? What? before using images of under 18s online. Under 18s should be fully clothed and not named.
Store securely – locked cabinet or protected file. Use church, not personal, devices to take and store images.
Communicate clearly any ‘rules’ about taking their own images to attendees at an event – and have procedures to respond to and manage any concerns.
Update consent at least annually. Over 16s with capacity can give consent – but also let parents know. Under 16s should be asked if it’s okay to take their image – but their parents must also give consent too.
DO NOT use images of adults who lack the capacity to give informed consent – no one else can give consent on their behalf.
Group images in a public space – individual consent not needed - but make participants aware that images will be taken and for what purpose. Those who freely gather for a group photo have given their implied consent by virtue of gathering.
Be honest, transparent, consistent, accountable, vigilant
When using social media for church:
 Maintain appropriate boundaries
 Think before you post – social media is ‘public’ and can be traced back to you
 Behave online as you would offline
 Avoid online ‘lone working’ e.g. 1:1 chat
 Use ‘official’ church or group accounts/phones where possible – keep private media separate
 Obtain consent from over 16s or carers of under 16s to use and store their info & images online
o Harass, stalk or post inappropriate material
o Allow content to contain, or link to, harmful, libellous, illegal, bullying or abusive material
o Accept or invite young people as ‘friends’ who know you as a ‘church leader’